Hello my angel friends it is a close of 2020 (4 universal year) and a welcome to 2021 (a 5 universal year)!
I am so excited that we have a daily opportunity to relish all the Angel support we receive each day. Have you been journaling or keeping note of when your angels that have helped you?
I wanted to share some things I went through in 2020 that I know God and the angels guided into my life and some of my dreams and wishes for 2021. I invite you to join me!
I hired out for my new and improved website
I learned how to share more about Angels, colors and some fun fashion tips on my social media platforms Instagram, and Facebook, I tried Tik Tok not my thing lol
I met 6 new clients and supported them in moving forward with their careers, love lives and so much more..
I started to do more live videos on Social Media and Youtube and found a true love of interacting with all of you!
I offered many free one card readings to my followers in Facebook! I am so grateful for all you and trusting me to support you with my Intuitive gifts through angel cards and mediumship.
I homeschooled 3 boys 17 and under
I enjoyed family time and many fun movies, bike rides and swim parties as a family!
I wanted to share a quick prayer for you to enjoy!
Prayer to our Guardian Angel (https://www.catholicgallery.org/prayers)
Angel sent by God to guide me,
be my light and walk beside me;
be my guardian and protect me;
on the paths of life direct me.

My dreams/intentions
I am excited to meet even more new clients to support and guide
Continue to support my present clients with uplifting messages of hope, love and guidance
Create classes for: Manifesting, Angels, How to dress with your Angels and so many more ideas to come
Help 100’s of more people with Angel Intuitive reading
More Facebook and Youtube lives to connect you with your angels, guides and loved ones
Below is one of my favorite inspirational quotes:

I would love to invite you to list out all of your amazing accomplishments, lessons learned in 2020 and anything that will support you in enjoying and loving life in 2021 and beyond! Feel free to share with me and join my community in Facebook {https://www.facebook.com/groups/celebrateyourintuitionandjoy}! I am sending you all so many blessings as you move forward in this New Year!. When you feel guided, I am ready to be of service for your in 2021 with a Preview Reading for a promotional price of $77 please email me at debbielabinski@gmail.com
Happy New YEAR and God bless!
Love and Angel blessing, Debbie Labinski