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When Angels Speak

Tap into the divine love and energy of the Archangels and guardian angels all around you. Your angels are here to help you develop in positive ways. The angel authors in this book teach you to discover your unique abilities when connecting to this divine source. If you have been struggling with stress, fear, self-doubt, or have been feeling stuck, this book will help connect you with a loving source: your angels. Learn from expert angel communicators how to:· Tap into the unique power of the angelic realm· Use unconditionally loving energy to transform challenging life circumstances· Gain access to wisdom that is based on integrity and kindness·

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Goodness Abounds

The world can be a beautiful place where goodness abounds. But sometimes, when we see all the negativity and divisiveness in the news, it’s easy to feel discouraged and disheartened, wondering what happened to the caring world we want to be part of.

Now more than ever, it’s important to look for, find, and celebrate the many examples of good-hearted people expressing kindness…every day, in endless ways.

This book includes 365 true stories (from over 275 authors) of people all over the world expressing kindness. These stories will lift your spirits, restore your faith in humanity, and remind you that goodness truly does abound.

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365 Life Shifts

Every so often, we have an experience that alters the course of our lives and changes who we are forever. Sometimes these moments fill us with rapture and flood us with insight. Other times, they are blessings in disguise that don't reveal their treasure until years later. However they show up, these moments can inspire us to live richer, deeper, and more authentically soulful lives.

In this book, over 250 beautiful souls share such life-changing moments - experiences that inspired, uplifted, shook us to our core, got us back on track (or onto a new track altogether), and led us toward our true selves.

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365 Days of Angel Prayers

365 Days of Angel Prayers is a multi-author anthology of daily readings written to inspire and guide you to experience a rich and continuous communion with the angelic realm. Whether you choose to read that day’s entry or take a more spirit-led approach, these prayers, blessings, invocations, poems, and essays will help you learn how to communicate with angels. And as you allow the words to wash over your mind and heart, receiving the healing inherent within them, you will begin to see that there is no one way to pray for divine blessing or assistance. Soon, you may even find your own unique words pouring out—embrace them. Remember, this book is a collaboration, one you are warmly invited to join.

Happy Thoughts Playbook

Happy Thoughts Playbook was written in collaboration by a group of thought leaders, coaches and healers to help you overcome the blocks to your happiness in a playful way. We tackle loss, grief, fear, anxiety and sadness with unflinching self-honesty and authenticity, all while moving you closer to fully embrace your joy.

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