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Intuitive Readings

Image by Kayla Maurais
Image by Soulful Stock

What Is an Angel Intuitive?

Angel Intuitives (AIs) are powerful psychics and healers who work primarily with the angelic realm with the intention of helping themselves and others on their spiritual path or for guidance in any area of their life.


What are Intuitive Readings? Angel Intuitive readings tap into our Angels' presence to guide the recipient toward living their best life. Readings may focus on a specific question or be more open-ended, simply honing in on a general aspect of life. They may also be effective methods of tuning into subconscious thoughts, emotions and visions that can also serve as guidance. Keep an open mind to receive the full benefits of your angel card readings. An Angel Card Reading allows us to communicate with your Angels to receive their guidance and words of love. They help you understand what you need to know or focus on in order to move forward when you feel stuck. Sometimes you may even get an added bonus of a loved one’s visit in the readings.

An Angel Card reading session with Debbie will be a fun and eye-opening experience. She has the unique ability to tap into the needs of your actual questions or concerns when she connects with your Angels, Guides, and Loved ones. Those connections and trusting the process will guide you on the best path forward to gain confidence in yourself, create all types of abundance, strengthen relationships with others and gain clarity about the situation you are inquiring about.

Why Do I Do Angel Intuitive Readings?

I love channeling the Archangels and bringing through their love, their guidance, and their beautiful light frequency. In 2014, I was searching for my new purpose, I had no idea what I was meant to do. I had quit my corporate job in 2003 to become a first-time mom. In 2014, when my youngest child started school, I was feeling like there was more for me to be of service in this world. At that time, I had no idea I had angels around me, and really my kids where the only angels I knew existed.  I started to find clarity in my life when I began to work with Archangels and Spirit Guides. I took many classes to develop my gifts and it quickly became my passion to talk about Angels and the light they offer to this World. I do love how when we learn to accept the help and guidance the angels provide just how miraculous life can become. I would love to share my knowledge, my intuition, and my excitement for the Angels with you. Readings with me and your spiritual team can help you find the clarity in life that you may be seeking!


Thank you for your trust and I look forward to connecting with you.

Time to Shine Reading with Debbie Labinski  

I am delighted to share that  my love of angels and service by offering an empowering Intuitive Readings with Debbie!

Here is your opportunity to get an Angel Reading from both Debbie and The Archangels together in one space!

When Debbie is attuned to the angel frequency. Magical and joyful sparks fly!

Debbie will be invoking angels, experiencing their energy, and sharing messages for you.


Your Year In Preview Readings
bonus Word of the Year

60-75 Minute Preview of YOUR 2024

Want a sneak preview of what’s coming your way in 2024? This unique reading experience delves into each month individually, offering insights and areas of focus, so you can feel confident in your choices and move into the success you deserve!


PLEASE NOTE: This reading is structured differently than a typical reading. If you have specific questions about your current life, please book a 30 or 60 min experience instead.


Thank you for your trust and I look forward to connecting with you.

Your Investment: 

30 minutes $61 per session

60 minutes $115 per session

12-month 75-minute Reading & Word of the Year $196 per session

**All services are non-refundable if not notified within 24 Hours of reading  ***Cancellation notice is required by email. 


Thank you for your trust and we look forward to connecting with you.

Shine Sisters Divine Support Readings- with Debbie Labinski & Giuliana Melo (together)

1 hour Sessions are $150 Us Dollars  CA$205.00

We are delighted to share that The shine sisters are joining their love of angels and service by offering two times the love with Intuitive Readings with both Debbie and Giuliana.

Here is your opportunity to get an Angel Reading from both Debbie and Giuliana together in one space!

When Giuliana and Debbie are attuned to the angel frequency. Magical and joyful sparks fly!

We will share messages for you. Done in ZOOM ROOM on Tuesday's and Wednesday's - BOOK by email

Disclaimer- all holistic services are to enhance one's wellbeing and are not a substitute for your Medical Doctor's advice.  do not diagnose or prescribe.  All services provided for your highest good and are meant to support and to bring great JOY. In NO way does Debbie Labinski provide legal, medical, or therapeutic advice.  It is your responsibility to secure that advice.  When you work with me you assume the risks of such activities, offerings, services, classes, and/or goods in which you participate and recognize that this is for enhancement of one's spiritual life and upliftment.  There are no guarantees and all information is brought to you with love.  If it resonates with you then it is your message etc and if not, then you let it go.  Advice from the angels is always for the day you receive your message and are very individual and varied.

​Thank you for your trust and understanding.

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